Saturday, December 6, 2008

Santa & Christmas Time

Payton and I got ready this morning right after breakfast to do a little shopping. John went out fishing so it was a girls day to spend some money! haha! I took a few pictures before we left this morning, I must say my little girl is a ham-bone!

We took off to the mall and I wanted to take her up to see santa...well when we got there they said he was up in the food court, I guess they had a children's choir we walked up so I could just show her Santa Ho Ho, as she calls him! We did see and and decided to walk back down and wait for him at the picture place, a line was already we got into line and I said to Payton, you can show Santa you shirt, cuz it had little reindeer on it, she was all excited to show Santa...Here comes Santa and everyone was so excited and it didn't see to worry her at all, she had a smile on her face and she was HAPPY! We were next in line...she walked up to him but as soon as I went to pick her up and put her on his lap, she flipped! I felt horrible...she held onto me so tight her little knuckles turned white...haha! Well needless to say we didn't get the pictures done, we had to tell Santa bye and maybe next time we'll try again...

I'm thinking maybe next weekend John and I can both take her down and we'll see if she will try again...I would love to get a picture of her and Santa!

Here are her pictures from this morning by our Christmas Tree!

1 comment:

Addison, Crew, Carter & Canon's Mama said...

She is so cute!!! I love her expressions! Santa is such a scary man to kids- it's so funny!

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