Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Time!

I can't believe how fast this year has gone by and how much we have been through...seems like only yesterday we found out we were adding to our family and now Landon is only 4 weeks away if that! Makes you want to sit back and just take everything in because it really does go by way to quickly! Payton is getting so big and she is so full of life, everyday, even the bad ones are amazing with her! She has added so much to my life and I can't get enough of her! This time of year makes you realize what is truly and friends! My NEW YEAR'S resolution is to focus more on those important parts of my life, family and friends...they seem to get lost in the shuffle sometimes!

Payton and I had a full past 2 weeks...baking cookies, wrapping presents, shopping! haha! Here are some photos we took of our baking cookies, she had a blast!

1 comment:

Nora said...

What great pictures. I won't lie...I hate making cut-out cookies with my son. I'm not sure if I'm a perfectionish with my baking or if his really is that desctrutive. haha. Have a great new year!

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